Live Switched-On Journal

Win the Mind Game of Life

Life is a mind game. You can win
this mind game by developing
your awareness and training
your mind. Winning the mind
game makes your life fun
and valuable to the world.

So go for it.

Why Consumerism is a Trap and How to Avoid it
Why Consumerism is a Trap and How to Avoid it

Yes, consumerism is a trap. But things might not entirely be as they seem. Ever since Thorstein Veblen's 1899 classic 'Theory of the Leisure Class,' many have denounced consumerism. And many calling out consumerism thought they were...

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Why Not to Drink Alcohol – A Personal Account
Why Not to Drink Alcohol – A Personal Account

I never make my sobriety a topic. Unless people ask when they notice I don't drink. And since alcohol is so pervasive, the question comes up ever so often. So here is my take on why not to drink alcohol. Along with a bit of personal story...

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The Magic Of Free – Can Free Things Have Value?
The Magic Of Free – Can Free Things Have Value?

Marketers know about the magic of free as this word can work wonders. On the other hand, we show off shiny things and believe that only expensive items can have real value. So what’s the real deal here and is there magic of free?

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Free Games Anyone? Here is the Best Free Game Ever

Free games are in high demand on the Internet. What do we mean when we say ‘games’ and ‘play’ and is ‘playing’ useful? There is a free game right in front of you: The stakes are high, but it promises the most satisfying rewards ever if you play it well.

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Live Switched On Now Win the Mind Game​The mind game of life involves the tricks our minds play on us to keep us stuck in a limited outer reality that others determine. Common tricks the mind uses are fear, judgments, preconceptions, limiting beliefs, and habits.

Indeed, the mind has been called the great trickster. As a result, we are pitted against ourselves in the mind game of life. But we can win the mind game, live switched-on, and have a full, content life on our terms.

Our free Transformational Bootcamp takes you through the conceptual framework that makes us better players in the game of life. Learn more.

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