by Poyel Nelson | Sep 14, 2020 | Live Switched-On, Mind
What could be more fulfilling than following your passion business, so you never feel that you are working? And if you pursue what you feel passionate about, riches will come automatically, right? ‘Follow your passion’ does indeed sound fabulous. And...
by Poyel Nelson | Sep 6, 2020 | Live Switched-On, Mind
Systems versus goals – having systems is superior to having goals when aspiring to succeed. This key takeaway resonated enormously ever since I read Scott Adam’s ‘How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.’ And the book contained a...
by Poyel Nelson | Apr 11, 2020 | Mind
If you are like me, realizing that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich took some effort. A serious effort. Originally from Northern Europe, I wasn’t alone. Back in high school, it was quite fashionable to discard the pursuit of money as outright ugly....
by Poyel Nelson | Mar 29, 2020 | Mind
Reduce news consumption for better productivity, health, and happiness. Are you serious? What flies in the face of popular opinion does make sense. But it takes conscious will, if not sacrifice, to experience the benefits of not being plugged into news and social...
by Poyel Nelson | Mar 22, 2020 | Mind
Yes, consumerism is a trap. But things might not entirely be as they seem. Ever since Thorstein Veblen’s 1899 classic ‘Theory of the Leisure Class,’ many have denounced consumerism. And many calling out consumerism thought they were culturally...