Code of Conduct
Live Life as a Discipline with a Code of Conduct
A code of conduct is a set of behavioral rules outlining the norms, standards, and responsibilities of an individual.
An example of a code of conduct is the warrior code.

Why Consumerism is a Trap and How to Avoid it
Yes, consumerism is a trap. But things might not entirely be as they seem. Ever since Thorstein Veblen’s 1899 classic ‘Theory of the Leisure Class,’ many have denounced consumerism. And many calling out consumerism thought they were culturally...
How to Conquer Fear Now to Avoid Common Life Regrets Later
Knowing how to conquer fear is crucial when you want to live switched-on. Because fear and desire are the primal driving forces of our behavior. Both emotions are hard-coded into the lower regions of our brain to protect the survival of our species. Hence we seek...